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In addition to offering state of the art 3D renderings and VR walkthroughs of your custom pool design, we have a passion for innovation and technology. While swimming pools are a timeless art of construction and enjoyment, the business of constructing them is thoroughly a modern one!  Our intentional approach to staying current and embracing advances in technology allow us to consistently provide our customers with new possibilities! Christopher is a science nerd at heart, and this is one area where his degree in Cell and Molecular Biology is most certainly put to use. We believe that knowledge is power, and continually strive to push the boundaries!

Remote Automation

We incorporate tools that allow homeowners to control their pool's environment from anywhere in the world.  We primarily partner with Pentair and utilize their IntelliConnect system to enable control of lighting, water temperature, spa jets, fire features, entertainment systems, and cleaning equipment through a seamless app downloaded on your personal devices. The possibilities are endless!

Advanced Pool Maintenance

We know that "salt water pools" are often top of mind and were considered the "gold standard" for many years! HOWEVER- there are now much better options available that enable homeowners to reduce the amount of chlorine and chemicals used for regular maintenance- thus reducing the amount of time, energy, and $$ needed to appropriately maintain your pool.  Most importantly to us at Lubbock Leisure Pools, is that this creates a SAFER environment for your family.

    UV Water Sanitization: UV Water Sanitization has continued to grow as a preferred method of water maintenance for commercial and residential pool applications.  The pool's water cycles through a canister that applies a germicidal frequency of UV light to disrupt the DNA of microorganisms and prevent them from reproducing. This is a completely chemical-free method of ensuring high water quality! While the initial investment may be a bit higher, the long term benefits are unmatched.

    Ozone Disinfectant:  The process of ozone oxidation is a more powerful disinfectant than chlorine, destroying both inorganic materials such as cosmetics and sunscreen, as well as chorine resistant micro-organisms and pathogens.  Oxygen molecules are broken apart into single oxygen atoms, which then form a weak bond with free oxygen molecules, creating ozone.  The bond is broken by contaminants, which the freed up oxygen atoms destroy, leaving only oxygen as a biproduct. Thus, the oxygen in the water is increased as a biproduct without any added chemicals!

    THE REAL MAGIC IS IN COMBING BOTH!:  CMP DEL AOP (Advanced Oxidation Process) is our preferred mode of achieving both UV and Ozone sanitization concurrently.  Investing in this single piece of equipment enables functionality that creates powerful Hydroxyl Radicals that destroy certain viruses and bacteria in addition to organic and inorganic contaminants.  The amount of chlorine and chemicals is significantly reduced while creating crystal clear water void of odors and irritants commonly found n residential and commercial pool water.

    Modern Ambiance: Do you love to entertain or enjoy your backyard in the evening like we do?  Designing impactful lighting is one of the most exciting design elements for us! Recent and continuing advances in lighting technology allow for low voltage and LED options for both inside and outside your pool.  We love to place them strategically to highlight the shape or outlie particular areas, creating memorable spaces. They can be controlled remotely and paired with water or fire features, and even coordinated with your outdoor AV system.  Want to go red and black (or even orange and white LOL) for the latest game night? We got you covered!

    T4 Automatic Pool Covers: Living in West Texas presents a load of unique challenges for pool owners! Pair the high winds and ever present blowing red dirt with young kids, a pool cover is an absolute necessity.  Safety is always our #1 priority and the ability to have peace of mind knowing your tiny humans did not make a break for the pool without you knowing is absolutely priceless.  We have partnered with the most skilled and reliable team to provide our customers with the latest and greatest in technology and materials for your custom pool cover.  Cover Pools T4 cover system is the first and only cover system designed for stainless steel cables.  Stainless steel cables are stronger, more durable and don't stretch or shrink like the traditional rope systems.  Less maintenance, adjustments, and easier fabric replacements when needed equate to significantly less expense over the long term and thus, happier clients!!  Additionally, the T4 system has an exclusive mechanism and motor designed to integrate seamlessly into your pool design,  We love to add a stone coping cover rather than the traditional aluminum cover lid.  when the pool is open, one would never know a pool cover is integrated- no eye sores here!! 

    Glass Filter Media: We find most prospective pool owners are familiar with traditional sand filter media.  While traditional sand and cartridge filters can certainly be effective, they must be changed out at least every 2 years- a process which is both costly and time consuming.  However, glass filter media has changed the game! Certainly a slightly larger investment up front, but significant time and cost savings over the long run. Appropriate sizing is also key.  We tend to oversize our filtration systems and pumps to ensure the more time swimming and less time cleaning for homeowners. Glass Media is our preference for filter media for several reasons: 

      - 10 year lifespan

      -  less required backwashing

      - Improved water clarity.  Glass does not pack as densely as sand.  Therefore, it is able to use the entire depth of filtration media, whereas sand is really only able to use the top layer.  More particles are able to be trapped as the water passes through

      - Prevents bacteria growth!  Glass is less permeable than sand meaning debris like sunscreen and bacteria are not able to be ingrained.  Glass media holds onto the debris with a static charge, allowing it to come off easily with backwashing.

      - Economical! While glass media is more expensive up front, the cost savings over the long run add up quickly! Not only is the need for replacement media and backwashing minimized, the backwash happens at a lower speed reducing energy consumption.  While glass is more effective at keeping your pool water clean, you'll need less chemicals to keep your water balanced- less $$ spent on chemicals, water, and energy costs each year.

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